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  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post The island where you get small (Diamond is Unbreakable 07).

    An incredible line here:

  • XenonXylophone posted a new image.
  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post Discord Town Hall 04/11/24.

    @jerf: You've got this! 👍

  • XenonXylophone posted a new image.
  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 003.

    I don't think I've ever heard someone laugh as hard as Jeff did when SPOILER . Good lord, what a game!

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post - Waiting For the Rain (Diamond is Unbreakable 01).

    Totally agree that Part 4 is already feeling fresh (yet familiar) in comparison to the previous ones. Got a real look to it, too! Really curious to see how the story develops, considering what John sa...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 823: REVENGEANCE.

    This was nice

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S03E12: Father Person Gone.

    I noticed this time around that Andy doesn't look like he's actually whistling when he enters a scene. Rather than assume this to be an animation oversight, I shall instead choose to believe this mean...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 813: REVENGEANCE.

    A prediction: Tears of the Kingdom is crowned GOTY under the new voting system, after all the staff members place it at no. 2 on their ranked lists.

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S03E06: Rock Lobster.

    If people want to add another anime watchalong podcast to their schedules, some of the Friends At The Table folks recently started one for Hunter x Hunter (one of John's top 2 animes!). It's been a de...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S03E03: Monkey Business.

    Every watch of Bebop slightly changes my opinion of how well the Vicious stuff is integrated into the rest of the show. I don’t know if the show spends enough time on this part of the story for him to...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 799: Gollum Week.

    I loved the Digimon show as a kid, but I could never get behind the theme song. Even as a 10-year-old it made me cringe. I recently discovered the original Japanese theme song, and I'm a little upset ...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 799: Gollum Week.

    @harinosho: That would be Inscryption

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post Play it Forward 14.

    @simkas: I was referring to the plot/choices aspect of the game. I admittedly haven't played it myself, but Alpha Protocol has always had a pretty high reputation when it comes to its narrative and th...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post 798: Z-Targetting My Wife.

    Welcome aboard, Niki!Regarding the Tesco news: it’s not unusual for UK supermarkets to have a games/DVD/CD section, but they’ve definitely become smaller and less common in recent years. People are bu...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post Discord Town Hall 07/07/23.

    @csl316: I had this exact same thought. Instead of having to keep up with the latest films and shows, people could just talk about the ones they've been watching lately. For example: this would be the...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S03E01: Oh, those aren't bullets.

    @zeeman155: Ahh, Kids on the Slope. I remember first reading about that in a Kirk Hamilton article on Kotaku of all things (he did a deep dive on all of the jazz compositions the show referenced and h...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S03E01: Oh, those aren't bullets.

    I usually gravitate towards watching anime subbed for the exact reason Tam mentioned. The way that dialogue lines are stretched/compressed to fit the mouth movements prevents my brain from getting ful...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post S02E24: Glad we stuffed this podcast with magazines.

    I'm glad this bizarre adventure will keep on a-rolling. I'm always happy for an excuse to rewatch Bebop!Since Lucy brought them up, I'll link to the Mother's Basement videos on the first four Jojo's o...

  • XenonXylophone posted a message on the post RoboMitch 06.

    The game ending with zero fanfare and booting you back to the main menu feels somewhat appropriate. Well done Mike!