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  • RVonE posted a message on the post Episode 294.

    Man, I would've never guessed Alex would give Serial Experiments Lain a go. What a fantastic choice of a fantastic anime that really holds up.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 390.

    I'm only now watching this and I don't understand why Brad is so obtuse about that being Liara or not. There is no other Asari in any mass effect game that looks like her. Either it's Liara or it's L...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Hades.

    @vinny don't shy away from Chaos. Their dialogue is really interesting if you invest in them, and there are some amazing boons to be had.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 22.

    @zor said:Huh, I totally misremembered how this dlc ended. It was kind of shocking to watch the end of this video that I went online afterwards and looked up walkthroughs of the Citadel, just to make...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Episode 274.

    @the_nubster: You can't go wrong with it. It's very solid and also quite easy to mount. I think the pop filter is just a generic one. I think most of the ones available would suit most needs. The came...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Episode 274.

    @the_nubster said:I don't know if Vinny is cruising the comments but I'd like to know what microphone arm, pop filter, and webcam are being used? And any other additional peripherals? it's very profe...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 03 - Part 21.

    @djredbat said:I have never seen or played this DLC but I was wondering if after you get Ann can you find her on the ship and talk to her before you head back to the lab?No, she's not there, unfortun...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 03 - Part 21.

    As someone who likes to play Citadel DLC after the ending -- for obvious headcanon reasons -- the very final cutscene of Citadel DLC tonally fits very well right before starting the last mission of t...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 20.

    Ideally they would play the first half of the Citadel DLC before the final mission, and the second half after.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3: Part 19.

    Kai Leng is such a terrible character, and not in a good way. Underdeveloped, sophomorically edgy, inexplicably overpowered (what even is that biotic shield and the acrobatic warping) and with an unbe...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Ghost of Tsushima.

    @ripelivejam: Sekiro isn't impossibly hard. It has a steep learning curve but is eminently doable if you pay attention to what the game is trying to teach you. In my experience, it is also very reward...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 12.

    Kai Leng is such a dumb and poorly executed concept. Alex's initial reactions to him appearing are spot on.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Nite One at E3 2019: Vince Zampella, Drew McCoy, and Rayme Vinson!.

    @jstaunton: Different watching habits, I guess? It matters to me. Luckily, I could just watch the full six hour videos on YouTube.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 21.

    @bludgeonparagon said:Wait, did... did Alex flag a Liara romance, only to de-flag it when re-flagging a Garrus romance..?Yup. I don't get how he read that response option as meaning "we'll talk about...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 21.

    @awkwardl0ser said: Kinda was hoping Vinny would hard hint Alex that he should just go get the IFF, there will be time to twiddle thumbs and do anomly missions after that and with a new friendDependi...

  • RVonE posted a message on the post Nite One at E3 2019: Vince Zampella, Drew McCoy, and Rayme Vinson!.

    What's the correct order of these videos? This is, evidently, not the first video of Nite One, but it is the first on that was posted. Can someone help?

  • RVonE posted a message on the post We Talk Over the E3 2019 Ubisoft Conference.

    @andthentrumpets: Yeah, it was also bad during the live stream.

  • RVonE posted a message on the post State of Play May 9th.

    @thefozz26 said:As for ff7s engine, no its not on 15s engine. its built from the ground up on UNREAL engine.So it's not built from the ground up? I don't get it.