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Truth about Mass Effect 3 0

WARNING! REVIEW MIGHT HAVE SOME SPOILERS!Shepard ask Liara: "Are you following me?!"The game has been out for weeks now. As a fan of the series, I've played the previous two Mass Effects, and created my own personal Shepards. Now Mass Effect 3 is here to conclude the story people have been following for years. Does the game wrap up the trilogy in satisfying form? The simple answer is no... it doesn't...The story begins when the Reapers arrive and start attacking the galaxy. Shepard, whose warnin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Another minor update 0

Last years champions, the St. Louis CardinalsAnother baseball season is upon us, and as usual, new baseball video games are ready to play, just before the opening pitch. MLB 2K series is back again, trying to perfect the system 2K Sports created nearly a decade ago. Sadly, it's this reason that this years game will be more of the same to most people, despite the good improvements in this update.Let's start with the biggest improvement in this years addition. Anyone who follows baseball, will rem...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Modern Warfare Continues 1

LogoModern Warfare 3 is the latest Call of Duty game by Infinity Ward, along with some other developers this time around. It's been debated by developers and fanboys if the latest Call of Duty or Battlefield will claim shooter of the year honors. Does Modern Warfare 3 stand up against Battlefield 3? Yes and No.Let's start with the single player. The story picks up hours after the end of Modern Warfare 2. Captain Price is desperately trying to save Soap, while a world war between the United State...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Possibly the best shooter of the year. 0

Electronic Arts have been bragging and boasting that Battlefield 3 would be the Call of Duty killer for some time now. They even have quotes from people who played the game, saying it's better than Modern Warfare 3. We'll find out if that's true in November. However, at least for now, Electronic Arts might be right. Because Battlefield 3 does so many things well, it might be shooter of the year.Let's start with the single player. Since this is a sequel in the core Battlefield series, DICE could ...

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The Best Zombie Game Yet? 0

Dead Island is another in a recent trend of zombie games to come out in the 21 century. From movies to video games, zombies and vampires are competing for video media domination. In the video game world, zombies seem to be winning, while in the movie theaters and in home video playback, emotional, romantic, vampire movies and shows seem to run the ship. With quality zombie video games series like Resident Evil, and Left 4 Dead already around, does Dead Island stand up to the big boys of the genr...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

What Alpha Protocol tried to be 0

Deus Ex Revolution is a prequel to one of the most celebrated first-person-shooters in gaming history. The original Deus Ex redefined the genre by adding deep RPG gameplay elements into a solid futuristic shooter. Over a decade after the original, Eidos Montreal decided to revive the game for modern gamers. Does Revolution deliver the goods?  To give a straight answer... yes it does... in a big way. The Augmented Edition of the game comes with some extras.  Deus Ex takes place in a ...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Low budget, but still good. 0

F.3.A.R or F.E.A.R 3 is the long awaited sequel to F.E.A.R 2. Does this game wrap up the trilogy in fashion? Or like most trilogies, is the conclusion a big let down?    FEAR 3 Boxart Concept Fear 3 takes place some months after Fear 2. After the shocking ending that still has some gamers talking, you're once again in the shoes of the original protagonist from the original game. Alma's pregnant and is close to giving birth. The original protagonist, only known as ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

It's not great, but it's far from bad. 0

Original Box art.      Duke Nukem Forever is a game that became a myth and legend as time progressed in the gaming world. The game was hyped as not only the sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, one of the most celebrated old school FPS (First Person Shooter) of all time. Duke Nukem Forever was also suppose to be an ambitious game that would take shooters to the next level. As time went on the game kept getting delayed year after year, while other shooters that innovated and reinvented the wheel,...

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Slowly getting there 1

 The Doctor on the Cover MLB 2K11 is the latest baseball entry from the people at 2K Sports. The people at 2K Sports have been in competition with the makes of MLB The Show, which many consider the superior baseball video game franchise. Does MLB 2K11 finally compete with the leader?     Like the previous years, MLB 2K11 doesn't make any serious changes in the formula 2K Sports have been using. Instead, they spent many recent versions, trying to fix all the bugs hoping to ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

If you like the movies, you'll love the game 1

  The 80's were known for having many well done, popular,  teen and young adult movies. The Karate Kid, The Goonies, Revenge of the Nerds, to name a few. Another movie which was a huge hit back then, was Back to the Future. The movie put an actor named Michael J Fox on the map. Now you get to play the official game, decades after the film release.  The story opens with Doc and Marty doing their experiment, trying to master time Travel. Doc uses his Dog named Einstein as the test subject. What...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Time for Joe's side of the Story 1

  Joe's Adventure is the second DLC released for Mafia 2. As the title suggest, the game focuses on the main protagonist animated best friend, Joe Barbaro. The point of this add-on is to explore all the things Joe was doing during the game's main storyline.  It's actually well done, as you get to see many scenes that help advance the overall experience of the story.    Unfortunately there is one major flaw that almost ruins the whole experience. 2K Games decided to add a time limit to every mis...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Worthy Sequel 2

    It's been a while since I wrote an review for a video game. However, so called critic reviews of Mafia II have influenced me to write one about this open world game.  Mafia II is the sequel to a game called Mafia. It was an open world game in a classic gangster movie setting. Think films like the Godfather, Goodfellas, Once Upon a Time in America, and you get the idea. The game was first released on the PC, and after critical acclaim, console...

8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

Nice Chopper game. 1

Red Zone is a chopper simulation action game made by Zyrix. The studio is out of business now, but would be known for having one of gamings best talents. The music composer Jesper Kyd who got his start making soundtracks for Zyrix games. The game is about a Russian Dictator coming to power and threatening to launch nuclear missiles at his enemies if the demands aren't met. Of course, you don't give into terrorist, so the United Nations decides to send a special elite chopper team to stop him bef...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The action/shooter most people didn't play. 0

One is an intense action/shooter game for the PSX by Visual Concepts. The game begins with the protagonist  waking up in his apartment building and realizing he has a huge bionic weapon for a right arm. Before the main character can abjust to his situation he suddenly finds himself  being attacked by an army trying to kill him. Lucky he soon finds that his weapon is very useful, and decides to search for answers while trying to survive. GAMEPLAYOne features a gameplay mechanic that is original a...

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