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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2. Wish I owned a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2.

List items

  • I have a weak spot for the Pers, I mean Etrian Odyssey series. And mashing it with the popular 2 Persona games is the cherry on top that makes it taste so much better. I was in a video game induced food coma for days because of this game.

  • I love the boss system in this game. Enemies coming back for revenge, or getting promoted for killing you, or making them your own. The constant cycle of bosses is amazing. Much like a All-you-can-eat buffet. Or an endless pancake special.

  • You might not like how it burns in your throat when you had too much at once. But with the right mixture of persistence and caution, it'll be one of the more satisfying entries of this year. If it's still a bit much, you can always call other people to share the experience.

  • Vanilla D3 is like pie. Without the Vanilla ice cream. ROS is like pie with ice cream and a beer. After a nice thanksgiving dinner.

  • Things that go well with Space? Perhaps, space ships, space stations, space pirates, space smugglers, space traders, space bounty hunters, all blended into an entire galaxy. Mmmmm. Good stuff.

  • It isn't quite up to the task of being an alternative to Monster Hunter. But it's quirky story and engaging game play make it worthwhile. Shame it feels like it's missing a bit of filling.

  • Turn based goodness. It's not quite expertly made as some CRPGs, but besides Baldur's Gate II and the first Dragon Age, we haven't had a good one in a while. Not quite cream of the crop but still better than never. (No the newest DA isn't that good)

  • It's the purest form of Ace Combat you can get. Especially after the newest not even being a good AC game. It doesn't have the quirky dramatic AC stories. I guess it would be like comparing a Korean sushi place to a Japanese sushi place. Not quite amazing but still pretty damn good.

  • Sometimes you need the familiar instead of something absolutely new. GG 3rd or whatever fighting games that came out this year are flashier and SF4 has been showing it's age but sometimes a regular chocolate bar with nothing in it, is just so goooooooooooood.

  • Another Monster Hunteresque game... But more Metal Slugish? It seems like it has some design problems... but then again it's easy to miss items that help you in those situations (primarily speaking of finding bosses and them running away). It's still good fun. Shame I end up playing it solo since nobody else I know owns it. Banana split sundaes aren't meant to be eaten alone...