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Console Collection!

Just a list of the random consoles that I am fortunate enough to own.

List items

  • Even with a DS, the NES SP GBA is still totally my handheld of choice.

  • I enjoy the occasional game of Warioware DIY and Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth.

  • A PSone to be exact, although at one point I did have an original grey box version.

    (FYI. I bought the PSone to play Metal Gear again)

  • Along with 20 something games still. I believe it to be true that the first console you own is the one you hold the most affection for (the Game Gear I once owned does not count).

  • I bought mine only three years ago, complete with a copy of Soulcalibur 2. Recently bought Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario Sunshine and Die Hard Vendetta :D

  • Since lost the AV cables, but it is the very same one I bought at launch.

    Also, I have a boxed Dreamcast Keyboard in the garage somewhere. One day I'll check out that online gaming thing...

  • My current addiction.

  • Bought along with a copy of Shaq Fu. I'm sorry.