Just to negative.

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Jeff and Jeff are just to negative. My first video game podcast is now the last I tune into. Everyone is just to bitter. Just anger.

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Is this a parody?

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Well, both Jeff G and Jess in particular are a bit too violently negative about certain things IMHO, but eh, what are you gonna do. I understand that people are not going to agree on everything that I like, AND I also understand that I'm not going to like everything that they like. That being said it does get grating having to listen to it during the shows I used to like, whereas I feel that it wasn't always this bad. However, what I do is, I hear the negative expressions, and then I turn that show off, and go do something else. Then I check in the next show to see if any of them have listened to the commentary on this particular aspect of the site, and if things haven't changed, I repeat this process until my subscription runs out. I'm still here for legacy content at the moment, and if this is how things will be going forward, I will just have to chalk it up as something I'm probably not going to stick around for, but that is perfectly fine. You either stick around, or you leave. It doesn't help to rudely complain, but constructive criticism is fair sometimes, and I think it might do the staff some good to address some of the issues. But, even if they don't... it is what it is mang.

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It kills me to agree with you but I agree with you. I love Jeff G but he has become so jaded. Also agree that Jess is so negative about almost everything from games to life in general. It’s not so bad guys. We all love you and it would be nice for a game site and podcast to be a little more positive. After all games are all about escapism. This is a site about games. Let’s be positive about all of our passion. I think things will get better. Stay positive guys!

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There are plenty of other podcasts if you just want a positive look at the positive side of games cuz yay its just a pasttime. Look to gamespot and IGNs offerings.

If you want a little more than that without fully going into Vice territory I think Giantbomb is great for that. They have fun with the podcast and games without completely ignoring the fact that PEOPLE - HUMAN BEINGS make videogames. Therefore, things happening to and around those people are relevant. You may not enjoy hearing about the umpteenth scandal to come out of Activision but you know what, that's the reality of the video game industry right now. This podcast is about videogames full stop, not about "enjoying video games" ya dig?

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#6  Edited By brian_

Really? Because I feel like I hear both the Jeffs say some variation of "Yeah... It's cool" about 20 times a video.

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Of the 100s of games that I’ve ever played ive only ever finished a couple dozen. Imagine having to stick through with a game til the end because it’s your job. Cheap bosses. Repetitive mission structure. A different game that you personally would rather be playing that really isn’t relevant to contemporary games (look at how many of our games of the year 2021 weren’t even released this year).

I look at a game like far cry 6 and think sure I’d like to play that. But I probably won’t happen upon that game until it’s basically plopped into my lap. Even then if I’m not feeling a 20 minute opening cinematic or the moment when the world “opens up” and you see the map I can nope out whenever I want. Gaming for them is probably like seeing that difficult already drive through customer pull into a parking spot. Nothing good is going to come of it. But you absolutely have to go through with whatever comes next in 3… 2…1.

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@brian_ said:

Really? Because I feel like I hear both the Jeffs say some variation of "Yeah... It's cool" about 20 times a video.


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Now I might just be a dog but I've found that people are people,
and sometimes people are different in certain ways from other people.

I've been scurrying about these parts since building the Bomb,
and I can say that most, if not all the people on the crew,
are keeping it real and that can sometimes come off as negative or jaded.

Faking positivity and/or hype is, for me, the worst thing to listen to,
and I don't think that's ever happened on this site.
If you stick around for more than one singular podcast,
you might find there's nuances to the individuals who make up GiantBomb,
and I find those nuances worthwhile listening to.

-A Dog, I'm A

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#10  Edited By AV_Gamer
@sometingbanuble said:

Of the 100s of games that I’ve ever played ive only ever finished a couple dozen. Imagine having to stick through with a game til the end because it’s your job. Cheap bosses. Repetitive mission structure. A different game that you personally would rather be playing that really isn’t relevant to contemporary games (look at how many of our games of the year 2021 weren’t even released this year).

I look at a game like far cry 6 and think sure I’d like to play that. But I probably won’t happen upon that game until it’s basically plopped into my lap. Even then if I’m not feeling a 20 minute opening cinematic or the moment when the world “opens up” and you see the map I can nope out whenever I want. Gaming for them is probably like seeing that difficult already drive through customer pull into a parking spot. Nothing good is going to come of it. But you absolutely have to go through with whatever comes next in 3… 2…1.

Are you seriously saying both Jeff's got it bad, because they make their money PLAYING video games for a living? LMAO! I'm not going to get on both Jeff's about whether they're too negative or not but come on. If you asked them if they preferred to be bombarded with video games all day with a nice budget, or working a 9 to 5 at some place like Walmart for minimum wage, I'm sure they'd still pick the video games. Everyone with sense would. A lot of people in the gaming industry are not even real gamers.

After Brad, Vinny, and Alex left Giantbomb, they said one of their fears was possibly having to start working basic jobs again, but then Vinny came up with Nextlander, and was amazed how quick it took off.

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This entire website exists because Jeff didn't like Kane & Lynch enough and refused to change his opinion despite pressure from above.

He has ALWAYS been this person.

He still likes stuff fine, as demonstrated by his final review (at least for now) being 4 stars for Halo Infinite, a game that a lot of people have real problems with.

I think this is a case where Jeff hasn't changed, but rather the industry has changed around him. More and more video games coverage is done by streamers who are both picked for their positivity (streamers generally are positive about the games they are playing because they get into streaming because of how much they love and play particular games) and are often sponsored by the companies that make the games, creating exactly the Kane & Lynch scenario that created this website in the first place, except they lack Jeff's integrity and commitment to honest coverage.

I think part of the problem here is that the AAA space has stagnated and it's harder to speak enthusiastically about games you've already played a dozen times. I've seen a bunch of coverage of Far Cry 6 that amounts to "yeah, it's another Far Cry....if you like that you'll probably like this one?"

You can see that in Jeff's Quick Look of Forza Horizon 5. He clearly enjoys the game, probably as much as he enjoyed the previously ones, but he struggles to say anything new about it because there isn't that much that's actually new about it.

The other issue is that the site's personnel has shifted and the current crew doesn't have the enthusiasm of some of the prior iterations.

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#12  Edited By sometingbanuble
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#13  Edited By holycrapitsadam

I’ve felt this way for the last couple of years. Anytime anyone has anything positive to say about a game, Jeff G always has to put it down in some way and then his negativity infects the rest of the staff and they all join on the hate bandwagon.

Jeff will say it’s “criticism” but to me, it just comes off as negativity for the sake of negativity. Seems like that’s just who he is.

Once Vinny, Brad and Alex left, I cancelled my subscription because the only “positive” people left on the site are Jan and Jason and they are slowly being infected with Jeff’s negativity too.

This is my first time back to this site in months and this was the first post I saw and had to chime in.

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@rrkneller: If you're expecting uncritical coverage of video games or the video game industry --sunshine and rainbows 24/7 -- YouTube and Twitch are absolutely lousy with paid shills with uncritical opinions of the industry, looking for their next ad, brand deal, or sponsorship, happy to spit out whatever a marketing / PR team wants.

Jeff has been around since the birth of modern-day video games journalism, some 20-odd years ago. The phrase "been there, done that" applies to him, what he's seen first hand in the industry, and how history keeps repeating itself in video games.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone who cares about video games MORE than Jeff, but his devotion isn't blind, nor is it uncritical tribalism.

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Jeff hasn't really changed much. He likes some stuff, he dislikes others. Kinda like anyone. Except he's more upfront about it.

He does tend to take over conversations, I suppose, so maybe his dislike is more noticeable. When someone else isn't interested in a game or hasn't played it, they might just sit out of the discussion. Whereas Jeff chimes in on every single game, so when they talk about Inscryption and you hear "I just don't like card games" every week, it can get a little annoying. But who amongst you hasn't been a little annoying sometimes? At least he's engaged in whatever they're talking about at all times.

Jeff's forceful personality is part of the site, always has been. Maybe with Vinny and Brad and Alex, they were more inclined to speak up and challenge his opinions a bit so the current dynamic is different. And I'm not sure why people are singling out Bakalar and Jess, they never struck me as overly negative so *shrugs*

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Gerstmann has become a bit of an energy vampire. It's a shame because he used to be so vigorous and full of life. These days it feels like he sucks the life out of every room he's in - regardless of whether he has a positive or negative opinion about a thing.

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If people think Jeff is too negative fine whatever that’s on y’all.

What I’m tired of in this thread is some history rewriting going on. I have been listening to people call Jeff Gerstmann too jaded for over 10 goddamn years.

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Yup, Jeff G. Goes through the motions, like he is doing laundry. The olden days are gone, because the people who made it that dynamic are gone. “Executables”, and hatred of specific sports teams has been replaced by banter, games, news, email, and done.

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Fine, I'll give my two cents after all.

Like some others have said, I don't think they are being too negative, I think they are being honest about their opinions.

IMO, I think Jeff G puts gameplay above everything. He doesn't care about graphics, sound, or presentation if the gameplay isn't fun to him. I also believe he prefers more simple, plug-n-play games and not overly complicated ones which more modern games are becoming with many different systems and genres mixed together. This is why he does the retro streams and why he is big on emulation and has admitted to upgrading and buying new PCs, not just to play the latest games at max settings, but mainly to play classic games that require a lot of CPU power when emulated.

Jeff B, I think isn't into video games as much as he is into playing Pinball machines and other forms of entertainment, so not a lot of video games grab him. But instead of pretending to love every game he plays, he gives his honest opinion.

Yes, it sometimes can suck when you hear them bash or down a game that you personally like or that most other people like, but that's opinions for you. Not everyone is going to agree with you and we now live in a society where people are quick to cancel others, simply for having a difference of opinion.

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#23  Edited By bigsocrates

@av_gamer: I don't understand the "Jeff doesn't care about graphics, sound, or presentation and doesn't like overly complicated games" narrative. Look at his past game of the year lists. His top game of 2019 was Control specifically because of the world building. He said that he loved Hades (#4 in 2020) because the story and writing came together after the early access period. He loves complicated shooters (BLOPS 4 was his top game of 2018) and esoteric weird complicated games like Exapunks (also made his list.)

You can say that he doesn't like games where the gameplay isn't front and center but Hypnospace Outlaw made it on to his 2019 list.

Jeff is a gaming omnivore. Some things click with him and some things don't and it's not always easy to predict which will be which. I don't agree with all his opinions but the claim that he hates story driven games (and you're not the first one to make it) just doesn't ring true with his actual stated preferences. He likes somewhat different stories than most people like (he's definitely not a Last of Us fan) but when something grabs him it grabs him.

I think a lot of the "Jeff is overly negative" thing comes from the fact that he dislikes a lot of stuff that other people like. He has strong and pretty eclectic opinions. But he likes games of every sort and he really likes a lot of games, including recent games.

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@av_gamer: yeah this is how I see it too.

Giant Bomb, to me, has always been about the people being able to speak their mind on whether or not they think something sucks. And a lot of stuff sucks right now. Obviously the state of the world is pretty low, but also alot of the AAA releases have become this carousel of open world games where you open a map, select the nearest icon and head in that direction. Sometimes, that sucks. Sometimes it doesn't because the gameplay is still fun. It's just their opinion like how this thread is some of ours.

And I think it's easier to just see/hear the negative stuff if you're only taking in the Bombcast. UPF has become a spot where folks just bring dumb games and have fun. Both Jeff's really shine during those spots. And Jess (since others are bringing her into this) always brings the weirdest games from itch that clearly excite her too.

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I agree with OP. I've been following the site for what seems like forever, and the negativity has become absolutely overwhelming lately. I love Gerstmann, but it seems like he hates literally everything. Not just dislikes, but aggressively hates on shit. It's exhausting. Jess is almost as bad, and just constantly shit-talks stuff she doesn't like. I think it was on UPF this week that she informed us that adults who like Lego are just pathetic, uncreative, old people. Cool, Jess, cool.

There is enough negativity and garbage out in the real world, on the news, and almost everyplace you look. I don't need it here too. I cancelled Premium a few weeks ago and I haven't regretted it once. I'm subbed through July, so I'll still watch stuff here and there, but there is no chance I'll re-up at this point. I can't even make it through a whole Bombcast anymore, and it used to be a highlight of the week for me.

For good vibes, check out Nextlander. Sorry, GB.

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I think the problem is that this post is vague enough for people to provide examples of why they (dis)agree without being entirely wrong. The OP doesn't even say the Jeffs are being too negative about games or anything in particular; just that there is more bitterness and anger than expected.

The most recent Bombcast was a little more ranty than usual, though. And Danny, who has been recently acting as the foil to this attitude, wasn't on the last one. But without knowing the specifics of what bothered the OP (who should feel free to expand on this), there's not really a direction for this conversation other than what everyone else has already steered it towards.

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@kerned said:

For good vibes, check out Nextlander. Sorry, GB.

Are you kidding me? Like Alex and Brad aren't even more negative??

Anyway, I dunno. I relistened to GOTY 2012 podcasts and it's funny how they so negatively dissect their top games -- Brad sounds personally offended at times as they tear into Skyrim. If there is a problem, it's a lack of jokes and levity; the problem isn't they don't appreciate games enough because that was never ever a thing with Jeff or Brad (let me spoil everything because all games are trash so who cares). The issue likely is the lack of a Ben, Dan, or da OG Ryan who just radiates enthusiasm and joy.

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I don't have much of an opinion due to getting more into the habit of playing games instead of consuming content about games, so I can't say first hand that the alleged negativity is a turn off or not. I just wanted to see how things are going. ...and I'm remembering that image of a cartoon dog in a burning house saying "This is fine."

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@av_gamer said:
@sometingbanuble said:

Of the 100s of games that I’ve ever played ive only ever finished a couple dozen. Imagine having to stick through with a game til the end because it’s your job.

Are you seriously saying both Jeff's got it bad, because they make their money PLAYING video games for a living? LMAO! I'm not going to get on both Jeff's about whether they're too negative or not but come on. If you asked them if they preferred to be bombarded with video games all day with a nice budget, or working a 9 to 5 at some place like Walmart for minimum wage, I'm sure they'd still pick the video games. Everyone with sense would. A lot of people in the gaming industry are not even real gamers.

I think they were saying even games can stop being fun when playing them is literally work.

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There's plenty of fake positivity on YouTube or Twitch. You'll find someone else there.

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@geirr said:

Now I might just be a dog but I've found that people are people,

and sometimes people are different in certain ways from other people.

I've been scurrying about these parts since building the Bomb,

and I can say that most, if not all the people on the crew,

are keeping it real and that can sometimes come off as negative or jaded.

Faking positivity and/or hype is, for me, the worst thing to listen to,

and I don't think that's ever happened on this site.

If you stick around for more than one singular podcast,

you might find there's nuances to the individuals who make up GiantBomb,

and I find those nuances worthwhile listening to.

-A Dog, I'm A

It's amazing to me how people claim to not want to be spoonfed opinions and don't want corporate shilling and bootlicking, then immediately complain about too much negativity.

This is a NEGATIVE industry, I dunno if you noticed. It's kinda hard to be bright and shiny while they join in mortgaging our future to line their pockets (and that's only getting into the technically legal shit going on), but I can assure you: YouTube and Twitch are STUFFED TO THE GILLS with people who will tell you exactly what you want to hear about the games you love.

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@colourful_hippie said:

There's plenty of fake positivity on YouTube or Twitch. You'll find someone else there.

And ads for Keeps, Manscaped, and R A I D S H A D O W L E G E N D S. ...Though, to be fair, Curiosity Stream seems genuinely interesting, and Raycon earbuds are actually worth recommending.

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To say nothing of the fact that OP said "Jeff and Jeff" and tons of people apparently misread and decided to start whinging about JESS.

Y'all gonna grind that ax down to a nub.

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Jeff G has alway been a bit negative and Jeff B has always been more a Call of Duty casual. I haven't listened to GiantBomb for so long I don't know who this Jess person is. But when you can guess the people's opinion on a game without listening to it you know its time not to listen.

Doom Eternal rocks by the way. Jeff G is way wrong on that

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#37  Edited By foritus

Been subscribed for 10 years now I think. I still love it. The new Jeff Triumvirate has a strong nonsensical vibe that I thoroughly enjoy. Sometimes they don't like things that I like, but that's fine, if they were exactly the same as me that would be weird. I don't need a podcast to validate my choices, I need it to entertain me: and all the GB staff are thoroughly entertaining ❤

Given the great diversification GB's content has undergone recently, I can't see a lot of evidence for a negative/conservative vibe to things. I hope to be here enjoying vast swathes of nonsense for a long time :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go flush a pie down the toilet.

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Most of their antics haven't bothered me for a while. The only time lately was one of the recent podcasts where they were going over a Reddit list of games that reddit people said should get a sequel or another entry ( I forget the exact context). They weren't great games granted, but by the end it felt exhausting to listen to. It's easy to shit on games. But sometimes kids grow up only having access to a handful of games. It's what they played, what they enjoyed, so they suggested another one. I don't know, I just thought the hate was a little much.

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@facelessvixen: I'm pretty sure Keeps and Manscaped have been bombcast ads before

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@andrew2696: Honestly, outside of compilations like "Australian Beef", I haven't tuned in much since Ryan passed, so that's new but not surprising news to me.

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#41  Edited By styx971

i can get why ppl don't like or want the negativity , it is certainly a thing , but ... of all the issues i think this current era has i don't think negative opinion on certain games are the issue.

jeff g has always been pretty blunt about his opinion on games and i for one am happy he stays true to his opinions.

jeff b likes what he likes as well , i just wish he liked more things that aren't x shooter this yr , not to say he dislikes other things/ doesn't play them he does , but i just can't think of what it is pinball aside off the top of my head, he was good as a 'rotating' chair but imo he doesn't jive as well with these guys by comparison , still it is what it is.

personally instead tho i wish they both n maybe the staff as a whole didn't seem like they have to play things they wont/probably wont like ( idk how they feel but as a site the does coverage i feel its a safe thing to assume?).

instead i wish they went more out of their way to find the random crap they know excites them in one way or another , how many times have we seen jeff g get excited about some random weird game that at least i've never heard of cause he loved it for whatever reason? i think we need more of that , i think thats one reason jan really shines these days with his random stuff and i think thats why we have 'jason games'. if they leaned into this type of idea more i think it would lower the negativity ppl seem to dislike .

still ppl don't like what they don't like and saying i don't like how often you don't like something isn't gonna change that.

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It is possible that the new era of GB is not for you, and isn't trying to be. Negative coverage is the currency of profitable media and being owned by a company that specializes in that domain is going to produce more of it. The collective Jeffs and team don't have personal opinions or beliefs, they have sponsored thoughts.

Jeff is THE voice of gamers of a certain era. Everyone he mentions outside the GB sphere or posts photos with are of that same echelon except his kid(s) who are, presumably, awesome.

I've followed through the ages. From 10/10 reviews to indignant corporate separation to the founding to the loss to the separation and, now, to this...

Most of us aren't going to stop following, but many of us are looking at our options.

Thankfully, one of those options is only missing 1 piece to complete the puzzle.

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#43  Edited By yyninja

I can see why the OP thinks this way. To be clear I have no problem with how Jeff B, Jeff G, Jess or any of the other crew's reviews or criticizes the games they play, it's more like the general tone of the Bombcast has been very depressing to listen to.

I just listened to the first hour of the last podcast and it's this constant pattern of negativity. IE. They talk about Wordle, the word game that's been blowing up in the Internet lately. Jeff B says it's fucking stupid how popular it is even though he hasn't played it himself. While Jeff G is angry how much credit the game is getting even though Mastermind (the board game) did it first. The podcast goes on and on like this, whether it's saying how this trendy topic is stupid, overblown or overhyped and how the people saying how great X, Y and Z are misinformed idiots.

The only thing positive I think I remember them saying is how great Chicory is, but that's about 3 minutes of relief out of an hour filled with bile filled rants of why this thing sucks ass. Yes I know SF is a shit hole, thanks for reminding me, but did it really need to be mentioned in the podcast?

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#44  Edited By ll_Exile_ll
@facelessvixen said:

@colourful_hippie said:

There's plenty of fake positivity on YouTube or Twitch. You'll find someone else there.

And ads for Keeps, Manscaped, and R A I D S H A D O W L E G E N D S. ...Though, to be fair, Curiosity Stream seems genuinely interesting, and Raycon earbuds are actually worth recommending.

Giant Bomb has essentially the exact same business model as youtubers. Adverstisments up front, and an optional Patreon Premium Subscription if you want to support them directly.

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I don't really ever post. Been following the site since maybe late 08 and the past month is kinda the first time I've ever not listened to the bombcast. I'll probably stay subbed to support what gb has always meant to me but...yeah. I found the last episode I listened to so abrasive that I've just avoided it since.

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#46  Edited By Daveydave

I've come to the realisation that the new giant bomb isn't for me. I've probably moved on with myself alongside the team, and thats ok. You can not like something anymore without having to call out individual staff members. Saying that, I do find the tone a bit too dour but that is what they do, they give honest opinions and I don't resonate with that anymore which is fine too.

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#47  Edited By monkeyking1969

Its a subjective subject which people like or dislike things, right?

If the developers of games want to be respected and spoken of in the same breath as other art, that art must need be critqued like any other art. That means actual critsims occuring, not re-saying what the publishesr PR department said. Games do have larger implications other than if the character jump good— there are aesthetic, cultural, moral factors, etc to games. These factors have just as much right to be aired and discussed as anything else.

When something “resonates with someone" regardless of ist a video game, a novel, a film , or a ballet; it hits them on an emotional level because they can relate to it. And, there will be games or other art that resonate with the staff that do not resonate with you and vice versa. Jeff hates cowboys and westerns, he know taht puts hims outside of other states, he admist he can see that and ist just his opinion - but he is STILL allowed to say it at every occuason he wishes. Jeff likes wresling, but he lies it in a way other do not - even other fans. I dislike wresling, but I can certainly spend a few hours hearing Jeff talk about wrestling.

I would repeat what @bigsocrates said above, "I think this is a case where Jeff hasn't changed, but rather the industry has changed around him." We live in a world where someone who makes aliving diuscussing video gams is not beholden to like anything.

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I tend to agree. Also, I am extremely tired of the phrase "Well, that's Capitalism!" being muttered during every conversation regarding business. I get it. There are intelligent criticism to be made, but 80% of the time it has nothing to do with the actual topic being discuss.

The Bombcast is still my #1 podcast, but I long for the days when it was all videogames and off-topic goofs.

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#49  Edited By Leopold

Rider meet Horse, Horse… meet Rider

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@kerned said:

For good vibes, check out Nextlander. Sorry, GB.

Saying to check out a team with BRAD MOTHERFUCKING SHOEMAKER for 'good vibes' is the most laughable shit in the world.