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Freeware Games!

It's a list! Of freeware games! Games that are free! Not an original idea for a list, but can't have too many lists of free games!

List items

  • Haven't played much of this yet. Seems promising. As of 1/27/2011 you can find the game at

  • It's already on a million similar lists, and needs to be on more. Brilliant.

  • A fun, unique strategy/roguelike hybrid, based off of/inspired by the early 80s game Oubliette. Liberal Crime Squad is no longer officially supported by Bay 12 Games, however, since it was made open source, development has carried on through the community. It can be downloaded at Sourceforge:

  • Fun and pretty difficult retro exploration platformer.

  • Platformer that starts out deceptively simple and then before you know it, you realize you are infinite. -- Uh, that is to say, Jumpaman is an awesome platformer that is freeware (PC version). While paying his respects to retro games (think Atari 2600, C64, Apple II, etc), Andrew McClure's Jumpman should not be lumped in with retro games or retro game clones. Quite on the contrary, released in 2009, it's still ahead of its time two years later. Employing rotation mechanics really well, building up the level difficulties till you think its impossible to keep going on and then letting you rest (and also regaining your trust, perhaps....) with a few stages that seem really easy only to quickly throw you back into stages where it's likely you'll die 50 or more times (first playthrough, at least). It's just the right amount of challenging. Wonderful pacing too.

    Really, you should just play it. And then buy it on the iPhone!