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190632 New Game Game Last Call is a 2021 game developed by friend of the site Nina Freeman. It's an autobiographical game that describes, in haunting detail, her experiences being abused by her live-in boyfriend. It's not only a substantial work from a notable creator, but it tackles subject matter that video games frequently do not, and it's a game more people should be able to get to learn about and play. 01/08/22 11:27AM 0 denied
190574 Emily is Away <3 Game 01/07/22 12:27PM 15 approved
190503 New Game Game It's a video game, of course! And a good one, made by friend of the site Nina Freeman, about her experiences with domestic violence. It's a substantial heartbreaking game that more people should know about and play. (Also, selfishly, I'm trying to put it in my submission for community GOTY and cannot.) 01/06/22 06:20PM 10 approved
64818 Elsinore Game 08/29/19 08:02AM 0 denied
64650 Elsinore Game 08/27/19 01:34PM 15 approved