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    The Fallout franchise is a post-apocalyptic series of role-playing and tactics games originally developed by Black Isle, and most recently, Bethesda Softworks and Obsidian Entertainment.

    When the East and West collide... *spoilers inside*

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    #1  Edited By Fenrisulfr

    I've been thinking about my playthroughs of Fallout 3, it's DLC (mainly Broken Steel), and the end (as of this writing) for New Vegas, where I helped the Eastern BoS in securing the Capital Wasteland in the name of human progression while (a few game years later) helping out the NCR with it's expansion east after killing Ceaser, bringing down the Legate and just destroying the entire Legion at the Hoover Dam, establishing control of the area in the name of the NCR. 
    Now, when looking back at Fallout 1 and 2, there is a canon ending despite your ability to push the story in a direction, and it's that the good guys win.  Master is killed, the Enclave at the oil rig are blown to bits, scattering their forces around ineffectually.  I think it's safe to assume that the canon endings for both Fallout 3 and New Vegas are the BoS destroying the Enclave threat there, Project Purity going into full swing, and with the quest at the Oasis with the tree infested Harold and the tree infester, Herbert (just kidding, his name is Bob),  the trees may spread their seeds along the desolate Wasteland, helped by the clean water of the project, to create life once again.  Brining back trees and green grass without the whole plant people problem from New Vegas.  This could be the end of the Wasteland as we know it.  Now let's say that the NCR did win at the dam and they begin moving eastward across the Great Plains.  They look to be more technologically ahead, overall, than the community that the Eastern BoS is running and this could give them a pretty drastic advantage when coming into contact with less than friendly groups out there.  They also have the advantage of having an economy to back them up, an economy that helps fuel it's weapons factories/makers. 
    If the two sides were to meet, judging by the way the good endings occurred, I can't really see either of them going to war with each other.  After all, their goals are quite similar.  So this is where the question begins, let's say that they get along and all is well.  For the Fallout universe, then what?  Should i ever reach that point?  To keep the fiction of the game running, what should occur to keep Fallout what Fallout is?  In the past two games, we've seen two places that have green into lush areas.  That's not very Wastelandsy.  The canon endings are, probably, both going to be with the good guys who have similar goals.  That doesn't leave much room for the overall anarchy that the Wasteland has been in.  Where do you think, or want, the games and the stories to go from where they look like they're headed? 
    I know that there's a lot of assuming here, and assuming does make an ass out of you and me, but, oh well.

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    #2  Edited By SuperBuster

    Hold on, who exactly is going to unite the East? The Brotherhood? It's true we might be seeing some drastic improvements to the standard of life in Capital Wasteland after the events of Fallout 3 but last I checked the only thing connecting the people was the radio.

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    #3  Edited By Fenrisulfr
    I thought it was implied, during the good ending of Fallout 3, that the BoS was going to begin expanding, tying together everyone in the Wasteland with Three Dog's help.  Or perhaps it's Three Dog bringing everyone together with the help of the BoS.  Either way, after taking down the Enclave, their technology would be available to the Brotherhood, not only do they have, as one of them said, "...better training than (the Enclave)," and now they have their equipment.  I don't see Paradise Falls lasting long against any kind of expansion, or even direct attack, from the BoS.  The Super Mutants were the ones that really were keeping the Brotherhood in the downtown DC area, but since the GECK is gone (which I'm assuming was the thing that was creating the Super Mutants from Vault 87 in the first place) and then Super Mutants talk about, in random dialog, how the "bucket heads are killing too many of (them) off."  This leads me to believe that the Downtown DC ruins won't need to harbor such a large concentration of the BoS, allowing for some fairly rapid, and aggressive, expansion into the actual wasteland part of the Capitol Wasteland.  Couple this with the fresh water routes that they have going, and the ability to create some plumbing to pass it along after the threats have gone, this puts the BoS in a good position to push outward, possibly converting more BoS chapters to their cause, and maybe even reuniting with the Outcast members, though I still think that's kind of doubtful. 
    Perhaps I'm completely off on the direction that the Eastern Brotherhood of Steel chapter is going, and I could be completely wrong.  But the implication is there when you look past the ending events and dig deeper into the fiction.
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    #4  Edited By TheSeductiveMoose

    The Brootherhood are technophiles, they shouldn't be doing any reuiniting. I hated what had been done to them (the eastern chapter, I know)  in FO3.

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    #5  Edited By SuperBuster
    @Fenrisulfr: Well after hearing you explain it, I admit that it's possible that the eastern BoS will expand like you said, I just don't think it's likely. The Eastern BoS simply didn't have the same numbers that the NCR has and with their policy of only recruiting from within. chances are they'll continue to have a small group. The BoS are an isolationist group by nature (from what I could tell) and I don't see them annexing any of the towns in the capital wasteland much less expanding at the rate of the NCR.
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    #6  Edited By Fenrisulfr

    Really?  I was actually more than glad to destroy the BoS bunker in New Vegas.  Those dudes are jerks.  If I couldn't get them to stop their reckless actions against the NCR, I was more than happy to infiltrate, make them trust me, then blow their shit sky high.  Or just go in there, guns ablaze.  That's usually the correct answer to any question about extermination.  Especially when they're ass holes. 

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    #7  Edited By natetodamax
    @Fenrisulfr: The Super Mutants in Vault 87 were created by other Super Mutants who wished to continue building their numbers. The GECK didn't have anything to do with it since its purpose was to revitalize areas of the Capital Wasteland. 
    Honestly, since the Brotherhood of Steel hates recruiting outsiders and the only chapter that isn't totally obsessed with technology is the one in DC, the NCR would probably have an easier time expanding. 
     Now let's say that the NCR did win at the dam and they begin moving eastward across the Great Plains.  They look to be more technologically ahead, overall, than the community that the Eastern BoS is running and this could give them a pretty drastic advantage when coming into contact with less than friendly groups out there. 
    The Brotherhood of Steel on the East Coast has Gatling lasers, power armor, and Liberty Prime (at least until a certain part of Broken Steel). I wouldn't exactly call that technologically inferior.
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    #8  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    I could see some sort of reuniting between both sides of Fallout at some point, but I'm also pretty sure we aren't going to see a new Fallout game for a while. Unless that MMO that Interplay is supposedly making comes out. Which it won't. Because it will either die of natural causes or Bethesda will sue the hell out of them to prevent it from being released, if they haven't started doing so already.

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    #9  Edited By Oldirtybearon

    If we're talking pure speculation, I'd like to play a Western Super Mutant transplanted into the East Coast. I think it could offer some very interesting scenarios, but if we're talking about how the NCR's expansion east would meet with the BoS in DC, I can't help but think it'd go poorly. Remember, the NCR we saw in New Vegas were good guys, because they were kids and soldiers, just doing what they could to survive and provide for themselves (and maybe family, if they had one). All we heard of the NCR proper was that the government was greedy and corrupt, and its people had no fucking clue what was going on the Mojave. If anything, the NCR troopers would probably be friendly with the Eastern BoS until the NCR government got involved, from there, I can see it going down south very, very quickly.

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    #10  Edited By Fenrisulfr
    @natetodamax said: 
    The Brotherhood of Steel on the East Coast has Gatling lasers, power armor, and Liberty Prime (at least until a certain part of Broken Steel). I wouldn't exactly call that technologically inferior. "
    The Brotherhood is more advanced in combat and weapons, yes, but they don't have the power grid that the NCR has, nor the methods of transportation available to them (such as the train, which could be reproduced or at least have more tracks laid down for it).  With the amount of energy they can pump out with the Hoover Dam and the Helios One station, I think it's only a matter of time before they'd begin to mass produce energy weapons and their ammunition.  I guess you could say NCR would have the opportunity to win this contest by simply having the numbers on their side. 
    " If we're talking pure speculation, I'd like to play a Western Super Mutant transplanted into the East Coast. I think it could offer some very interesting scenarios, but if we're talking about how the NCR's expansion east would meet with the BoS in DC, I can't help but think it'd go poorly. Remember, the NCR we saw in New Vegas were good guys, because they were kids and soldiers, just doing what they could to survive and provide for themselves (and maybe family, if they had one). All we heard of the NCR proper was that the government was greedy and corrupt, and its people had no fucking clue what was going on the Mojave. If anything, the NCR troopers would probably be friendly with the Eastern BoS until the NCR government got involved, from there, I can see it going down south very, very quickly. "
    Perhaps, but I don't see much of a reason for conflict between them.  But this does bring up a new question, if it happened in their lifetimes, how would the Courier and Lone Wanderer figure into the equation?  No two player characters in Fallout have ever meet before (correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't dug up anything on it) and this could either be super awesome or really bad (from an immersion perspective), or it could mean CO-OP!  ...  No?  Fiiine.  Anyways, I have pondered their involvement as well.  Let's say there IS a game between the NCR and the Eastern BoS.  Should you be able to control either the Courier, the Lone Wanderer or perhaps someone else?

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