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My Favorite Games of All Time - Part 3 (201-300)

I'll continue to rank my favorite games of all time, following the 200 games from the first two lists. This list will present the games from 201-300 (if one day I can get to that many games).

Check my top 100 here:

And my top 101-200 here:

(Year of release / console I played on / genre I would put)

List items

  • 1994 / SNES / Action-Platformer

    My fourth favorite game in the Mega Man X series, it was really nice to have more of what Mega Man X gave me, despite not being as attached to it. I love this franchise and the SNES had a great run with it.

  • 1999 / PSOne / Car Combat

    My favorite Twisted Metal growing up, one of the games that I've beaten the most times in my life. I probably played it through it all twice in the same day. So many memories.

  • 2001 / PC / Action

    The first Max Payne has so much style, and I was surprised by how much he inspires itself in the Matrix, what's cool. The graphic novel-style storytelling gives the game an unforgettable charm.

  • 2017 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    While I was playing Uncharted The Lost Legacy I was amazed by how good this game was, how beautiful it looked and how it improved, and a lot of mechanics introduced in Uncharted 4.

    Looking back, I can't say it's better than 2, 3, or 4, but it sure deserves to be in this amazing franchise, and Chloe proved she's so great that Nathan wasn't necessary for an Uncharted game to be fantastic.

    The game has the best action sequence in the franchise, yes, better than the train sequence in the second game.

  • 1990 / DS / JRPG

    The first Dragon Quest I finished after playing a part of most of the franchise. I love the dynamic they used with the party, of them combining in the end.

  • 2016 / PC / Adventure

    Firewatch came out at a time when a lot of games were being called "Walking simulators" and people hated that term. But in fact, it's kind of that, while also being the best of the bunch. The game has a ton of personality and makes some bold decisions to leave a mark on its players. As well as having one of the best-written dialogues out there.

  • 2019 / PC / Action-Platformer

    This game has a perfect presentation, with a 10 out of 10 soundtrack and 10 out of 10 pixel art, an underrated story, and amazing gameplay

  • 2001 / PC / MMO

    One of the best MMOs of all time, the second most played by me in the genre, behind World of Warcraft. It was so addictive and pretty, I loved the art style the game had, I wish I could've played for longer.

  • 1997 / PSOne / Fighting

    One of the biggest classics of the PSOne, and one of the most well-known fighting games of all time, Tekken 3 managed to expand to every community in gaming, not just fighting game fans. It has a great cast of characters and great graphics for the time it first released, it's truly a remarkable game.

  • 1988 / NES / JRPG

  • 1992 / SNES / Racing

    Top Gear had a lot of elements that were ahead of its time. The game looked great and sounded amazing, for a 1992 SNES game. I played for so many hours, it was just a whole lot of fun.

  • 2017 / PC / Racing

    The 7th Forza Motorsport is one of those games that could've been the best ever in its genre but made some mistakes that let me down. But despite the letdowns, it's still one of the best racing games of its generation, and the first racing game with more of a simulation approach that hooked me since Gran Turismo 3. That's saying alot.

  • 1993 / PC / FPS

    The first Doom is basically the father of first-person shooters, the game revolutionized the video game industry. The soundtrack, level design, and presentation were all great and ahead of its time. It's such an amazing game.

  • 2000 / PS2 / Fighting

    Maybe the fighting game with my favorite presentation ever. It's my favorite fighting game to look at (at least until Dragon Ball FighterZ came out) and it had one of the best soundtracks of a fighting game ever.

    I didn't play as much as the first one, but I revisited it a couple of times in later dates and it really holds up as one of the best of the genre.

  • 2019 / PC / Survival-Horror

    One of the best remakes ever made

  • 2012 / PC / Action

    It's hard to describe Hotline Miami, but it has amazing pixel art, amazing music, and great gameplay with responsive controls, high difficulty, and fast respawn.

  • 2004 / GBA / Metroidvania

  • The fighting game I've played the most in my childhood. My favorite thing was that it had another game mode that looks like a dungeon crawler.

  • 2002 / PS2 / Hack 'n Slash

    I'm a s*cker for LOTR and this game is great about relieving the best moments in the movies.

  • 2000 / PSone / Action-Adventure

    A game that managed to combine the console limitation with its story and reasoning behind its decision. This was the first game that made you feel like the superhero you played as, I have so much nostalgia for it.

  • 1991 / PC / Racing

    One of the biggest classics on the PC

  • 2002 / PC / FPS

    The first Battlefield was so impressive to see, the big-scale battles didn't seem possible until you were in one of them.

  • 2004 / PS2 / Sports

  • 1992 / SNES / JRPG

  • 2005 / PS2 / Hack 'n Slash

  • 2011 / PC / RPG

  • 2002 / GBA / Metroidvania

  • 1995 / SNES / Maze

  • 1997 / PSOne / Sim

    Another game that I beat more times then I can remember, it's Ace Combat 2. It was amazing to see at the time it came out, the graphics looked just incredible, and the controls felt so good, it was the first time I felt like I was really controlling an airplane in a video game.

    One of the most played games in my friend's group and for sure a must-own for any PSone gamers out there, so many good memories and a game that makes people learn it, the controls, the planes, etc.

    Has a really cool system of you buying new and better planes, maybe at the cost of selling your old ones, or if you are a collector and want to hold to them all, you need to go a little deeper to find all the money to sustain it. Really great.

  • 2002 / PSOne / JRPG

    The third Digimon World is similar to the first two in the sense that I know it's not that great if you analyze it critically, but it has a lot of charm with engaging, despite convoluted systems. It's the one that I have the least nostalgia for (of the three on the list), but it's still one of my favorite RPGs on the PSOne.

  • 2020 / PC / Roguelike

    Monster Train combines roguelike, deck building, and tower defense. The game is one of those addicting roguelikes that nail what they're going for, making a loop that each run gives the player a chance and doesn't make the defeat so downing that the player wants to quit the game. It's one of those games that you think you're gonna play for 30 minutes and 3 hours go by without you realizing it.

    More people should play Monster Train!