Opinions on buying PS5 at launch?

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I consider myself a PC gamer mainly but I'm in the PS4 camp because of all the exclusives. I preordered the PS5 and have mixed feelings.

I have a 2070 Super in my PC and of course the 3000 series cards outperform by a wide margin. However, the 2070 S is a good card and can run games well at 1440p. I'm really unsure what the better decision would be -- to buy the PS5 and basically forego the 3000 series upgrade entirely, at least for another year, or to upgrade my PC graphics and wait to buy the PS5.

As of now, I'm buying the PS5 because of the 3 exclusive launch titles (Destruction, Demon's Souls, Miles Morales (I don't care if it's on PS4, load times are shit)) and the hardware upgrade, obviously. Also, the UHD Blu-Ray player is nice. Thoughts?

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#2 bigsocrates  Online

This entirely depends on what you value more; PS5 exclusives or PC performance, and it's really hard for someone else to give you good advice there. Do you REALLY want to play Demon's Soul remake right away? Then PS5 is the better upgrade path. Are you more kind of lukewarm on the exclusives and want the best gaming fidelity possible? Then PC upgrade is the path.

For me it would come down to 2 things:

1) Exclusives on the PS5

2) Do you prefer the console experience to the PC experience (it sounds like no, because you said you only use PS4 for 'sclusies, not because it's less fiddly.)

The other benefit to going with PS5 is that your graphics card money might get you a better card in 1 year, while the PS5 will likely just be the PS5 (assuming the launch hardware isn't faulty) so in terms of total value buying a PS5 first might make sense.

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I don't personally think the new consoles offer enough to buy right now, but if you really want to play those launch games I can't argue against it.

I would, however, suggest that there's not much point in replacing a 2070 with a 3070. The difference isn't going to be tremendous, and if you're happy with the performance you're getting out of your current card, why spend that money?

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#4  Edited By dsjwetrwete

I have a 2070 and bought a PS5 to play Demons' Souls, but having watched someone else finish the original game recently (I nearly beat it myself years ago), I'm not sure if I'm hyped. Demons is very different than modern Souls, the boss fights are more gimmicky than skill-based and using certain things like magic just wrecks everything. My worry is that the remake is TOO close to the original. It needs to be more difficult and balanced. Bosses need new movesets. It has to feel closer to Dark Souls 3/Bloodborne to me to be truly enjoyable.

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Buy the thing you want more. You're probably going to have a hard time getting either tbh, but the ps5 maybe easier to get than a 30 series card with the lack of bot protection going on. Personally I wouldn't upgrade if your getting good performance already on your pc.

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Given the weird boost related issues with the 30xx series partner cards, I'd hold off on buying unless you can get the founders card from nVidia. Idk how quickly you play games but outside of Demon's Souls and Spider-Man are there other PS5 games you need right away? After launch the next big one for me is Hitman III. Is that enough for you to buy an entire console?

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If you're interested in the exclusives gets the PS5. I'm sure your 2070 will be fine for another year or two, especially at 1440p. Plus it gives time for the 3000s to become more readily available/potentially drop in price.

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I went the ps5 route because it looks like it's gonna be a hot minute before we can get 30xx cards. And right now with my hardware(3700x and gtx 1080) the consoles will offer better performance for stuff like AC, 2077, and Watch Dogs. Let alone being able to play demons souls and morales.

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I also have a 2070 Super. I kinda wanted to get a PS5, mostly for the rush of buying something big and unnecessary amidst the general stresses of *gestures vaguely at 2020*, and had secured a preorder but then I took a long hard look at the launch lineup and decided it wasn't really worth it. Think I'm going to bump up my processor/MOBO instead and wait until the exclusives I care about start hitting.

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This generation seems to be defined more by what each person wants in terms of exclusives and services each company is offering. We will have to wait for each console to be released to determine which one actually runs better, but the hardware is looking to stack up to be the same regardless if you get a PS5 or a Series X.

Right now I am in a fatigue on both sides in terms of exclusives, I finally cut myself off from Game Pass and PS Plus, and I have not invested into a 4K tv just yet. Soo... what else is there really for them to sell me on besides just having the latest and greatest.

That being said, I am getting excited to upgrade my 1070 to a 3080 to possibly get into 4K gaming on PC.

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I’m in the process of building a PC so the majority of Microsoft focused games will come from there. I have the PS4 and since I’m pretty locked into that ecosystem it just makes sense to get the PS5. Whether I get it at launch or not, I don’t really care. I’ll get it eventually.

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As previous posters said, it's all about preference.
I'm decided to wait for more interesting titles to get release dates announced (God of War Ragnarok) and probably will buy PS5 when there are more titles I'm invested in.

Currently there is none.

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@pananabeel: the price of the digital one is very fair, full powered, same HDD size, but I own so many disc games for PS4, I don't think I can justify it

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I am primarily a PC player (3700x-1080ti) and I got the PS5 first. Not only are 30 series cards literally impossible to get right now and are having strange boost problems on the ai"s that cheaped out... 1080ti still performs well over 100fps at 1440p on most games.. 4K is great and all but I feel like 2K is just as good if not a happy medium with more FPS.. When 30 series cards are actually available I will upgrade then.. But until that time I am set either way, just happy to get one of them.

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Personally I have a PS5 pre ordered solely due to the noise my PlayStation 4 makes. I have to play games with noise cancelling headphones to hear what’s happening in my games. I don’t have time for PC gaming any more so the console life is the way for me.

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Not happening for me. And as the vision of playing Demon Souls slowly fades into grey obscurity (no more trailers please!), It becomes a non factor. I also have a rig with a 1080ti. It's not the best, but it will probably do a very acceptable limp to a 30xx card next year sometime.

Then I will see this ray tracing I have heard so much about..

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Listen, if you consider yourself a PC gamer and you're satisfied with what you've got for the time being, I would wait on the video card until there are PC games coming out that just don't run well. If you're itching to upgrade, spend some of that 30xx money on a Gen 4 NVMe capable motherboard and SSD. With the new console games being built around fast loading, you're gonna want to keep up with that rather than squeezing a few extra FPS.

If you've got the money to burn and you know you're going to buy a PS5 anyway, just get one if you can pay regular retail price for it and then sell your PS4. I ended up securing a PS5 and XSX preorder from Target. The only thing I plan on doing with them out of the box is playing Demon's Souls and then continuing to work through my backlog, but on more capable systems.

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Since the GameCube hit the market I've been buying my own gaming hardware and in that time I've seen several generations come and go and absorbed (and been facinated by) the trends in each. I distinctly remember when the Wii came along the lines weren't as clean as "Do you buy a Super Nintendo or a Sega Genesis" and it was more of a "Do you play PC, Wii, and Xbox" or "Do you play PC, Wii, and PS3"

Obviously everyone's tastes and situations are different but my opinion is that right now, because of Microsoft's strategy the choice outlined above is largely the same, minus the Xbox. And if God of War and Ratchet & Clank aren't enough of a pull (and also assuming they don't push harder into putting PS games onto PC) then PC + Switch seems like the defacto combination for the immediate future.

I, personally, have an okay gaming PC but I just don't like playing games on PC all that much. I don't really have a solid justification for why this is, but I just enjoy the focused nature of a gaming console. I'm also the kind of guy that really enjoys seeing The New Stuff with a new video game console. I get nerdy about the unique UX of each console generation in particular. And also, again my own weird brain, buying PC upgrades never has the same appeal of a new game console. Buying a new GPU to me feels like "I get to play the games I've already played but they'll run faster and at a higher resolution" where buying a new console more often is "These games are brand new and also run faster and at a higher resolution than the last console"

But yeah. If it weren't for the sunk cost guilt and the fact that there are a few strategy type games only available on PC, I'd probably be using my iPad as my primary computer these days.

In short I guess for you if *all* you need is a new video card and we're also not talking about replacing the motherboard, the ram, and upgrading the power supply to match then the video card seems like a better overall value. But if you're invested/interested in Sony's exclusives and ecosystem then $400 or $500 on a PS5 seems like a more "fun" and interesting purchase.

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If I can get one pre-ordered, I will, but if it takes me 3 months or whatever to grab one, that's fine too. There's no rush really. With that in mind, however, I'm going to get one eventually, so might as well get it when it comes out.

I'm in a weird waiting period, since I'm also looking at the RTX 3080. Currently I have a GTX 1080, which served me well until Control came out. It's impossible to get one of those cards, but I'm not sure if I would have grabbed one if I could since I may end up building a new PC at this point.

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I havent been a PC gamer for awhile but it sounds like thats the route you should go if you can get a 3080 or whatever.

Personally I'm in no rush to get either console. I'm sure Cyberpunk will be a bit of a mess on current consoles (CDPR games are generally a mess at launch regardless of platform) but I survived Fallout 4 so I think i'll be okay.

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I purchased a PS5 for launch. I know that I will be wanting one and my ps4 was having issues so I figured it was worth it now. I have a PC and an xbox one X to cover game pass. My thought process is if you can afford it and you are wanting to get one anyway then just get one. Do what makes you happy.

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#22  Edited By Castiel

I was really ready to preorder about a week ago, but since it's not possible to get it anyway right now it have given me some time to think. And I think I'm okay with waiting to release to get one.

I upgraded my TV not too long ago, so now I have a TV that's ready for 'next gen gaming' meaning it has HDMI 2.1 inputs and will support VRR, 4k 120Hz (in a future update). But it is also quite expensive, and I think I need to save up again, at least for a little bit, before I make a another new big purchase.

But I will be getting a PS5. It's just a question of when. I have a TV that can support all it's features now, so now I also want a console that can actually deliver in that department.

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Thought about it but I would have to take the whole day off.

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Given the last 4 days of NVidia news, I think I would put buying any 3000 card on hold. The driver issues are fixed...mostly fixed...but what is not fixed is availability of the cards at MSRP. Maybe, wait for the 4000 series cards, or wait 9 months for NVidia do get its shit together.

That does not mean buy an PS5, that's a side issue. But, replacing a 3000 series for your 2000 series card is likely not something I woudl rush to do if you current card works.