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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Stuff I should probably finish one day (AKA: Backlog of Shame)

I'm probably going to take a break from video games soon, but before I do that I figure I should make a list of stuff I'd like to finish one day (or start, for that matter). Unfortunately for you, this list is populated by GOOD games, as I think my bad game wormhole is nearing the end and there's already a list for that.

List items

  • I've had this game for like 3 years at this point and I made it around 20 hours before being distracted by other stuff. Maybe if it wasn't so brutal... but of course that's kind of the point, isn't it? Mid Priority

  • Sure, I'll throw this in as well. I imagine I could actually knock this one out pretty quickly, though I understand that certain ending routes are brutal in such a way as to demand absurd amounts of grinding or New Game +. High Priority

  • Since we're still on the "Hardcore Japanese RPG" kick, I'll throw in the third Etrian Odyssey as well, since that's the one I own. Low Priority

  • I never finished Asylum, but I'm actively playing through that right now, so that'll probably be finished without needing to be put on this list. That leads to the question of if I'll be done with Batman stuff by the time I reach the end. If that doesn't happen, I have this in my Steam Library.

    ??? Priority

  • Specifically the Bitterblack Isle stuff, which I attempted once before being brutally rebuffed. I figure that going through New Game+ and challenging it at a higher level might be the answer

    High Priority

  • Finished the first dungeon, got distracted by something else. I believe my save came over when I wiped my computer, so I don't have that excuse. Throw in Darksiders II as well, since I'll probably want to play that at some point too.

    Low Priority

  • Ok, I lied. There is a bad game on this list. But it's the last one. I HAVE to tell you all in EXPLICIT DETAIL about how bad Bioware's sonic RPG, and after that I can die a happy man. Or at least a less sad man.

    High Priority

  • I probably won't be around when Might and Magic X gets its full release (the early access version seems very promising though), so I figure that I should give the game that killed the series in the first place its final and proper due... assuming it ever decides to work on my computer again. I have the save files backed up Might and Magic IX. I can wait.

    It would already have been finished if it wasn't broken Priority

  • I've been threatening to play Troika's final game for years at this point, and eventually I'll have to back that up with actions.

    Mid Priority

  • After playing through the otherwise underwhelming Fuuin no Tsurugi this year, I can conclude that Tear Ring Saga is the REAL 6th Fire Emblem game... if Fire Emblem was on drugs. I can also wait for them to fix some of the rather unfortunate bugs in the current translation patch if needs be.

    Mid Priority

  • Specifically the International Zodiac Job System version. Because it seems like a pretty good Final Fantasy game?

    Mid-High Priority

  • Yes, I'm still choo-chooing my way through Warriors of the North, but if I'm not sick of King's Bounty by the end of that I may as well go back and finish the first one too.

    Low Priority

  • Got halfway through and was distracted by something else. This game is really good though, so I should see it through.

    Mid-High Priority

  • I liked the first game quite a bit when I played it last year, and I'd like to see Geralt's continuing journey in this one too.

    High Priority

  • Another lengthy RPG I'd like to complete at some point, if only so I can see the part where it goes off the rails for myself. Also the soundtrack is amazing.

    Mid Priority

  • Like all second installments for the NES (Zelda 2, Simon's Quest, etc), Fire Emblem Gaiden is exceptionally weird and has been forgotten by the annals of time. I'd like to remind the world, most likely in a blog that will get like 2 comments.

    Low Priority